Born a Starseed with double Aquarius Sun and an Aquarius Ascendant,

I AM authentically a Starchild Rising!

As I enter my second saturn return, I have been spiritually “nudged” to honor and answer the universal call to leverage my gifts from many years of experience in interpreting natal charts to guide you in harnessing the spiritual light energy within you, empower you to navigate life’s challenges, and make conscious decisions in alignment with your soul’s purpose.  Our life journeys are ever evolving and each of us have the freedom and power to, along with the Cosmos, co-create our experiences.  Know that if you feel drawn to my website, there is, indeed, a reason, and I’m talking to you!


Won’t you join me?  

The universe conspires in your favor when you embrace your true cosmic essence. So, don’t wait any longer! Do it now! Choose joy on this cosmic journey and allow me to share the messages from the stars on how to illuminate and navigate your path to spiritual enlightenment.